Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Stretch Routine

Super Six Rules to Stretch:

Dr. Chris Oswald provides a comprehensive stretching routine designed to relieve carpal tunnel pain, emphasizing the importance of proper technique and adherence to key rules for effective stretching. Below is a detailed description of each stretch mentioned, formatted as a bullet point list.

Stretching Routine:

  1. Side of Neck Stretch:
    • Feet shoulder-width apart
    • Pelvis square to the ground, hips under shoulders, ears over shoulders
    • Keep nose straight ahead, tilt right ear to right shoulder (do not tilt nose down)
    • Stretch to 45°
    • Repeat on the other side
    • Option: Rotate nose up to the opposite side and hold arms behind for additional stretch
  2. Front of Chest Stretch:
    • Right arm perpendicular to the ground
    • Hook hand onto a wall for support, extend fingers backward
    • Feet planted square, rotate body away from the stretching side
    • Repeat on the other side
  3. Rotator Cuff and Posterior Shoulder Stretch:
    • Right arm across the body, parallel to the ground
    • Grab elbow with left hand, pull close to the body
    • Turn torso, face, and neck in the direction of fingers pointing
    • Repeat on the other side
  4. Upper Back Stretch:
    • Reach around to the front, left hand on the back of the right hand
    • Push away, stay straight (do not round out)
    • Stretch upper back muscles, head straight, ears over shoulders
    • Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, repeat 5 to 10 times
  5. Tricep Stretch:
    • Feet shoulder-width apart, ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips
    • Right arm reaches up, bends at 90°, behind the head
    • Left arm grabs right elbow, pull to the side
    • Lean more to the left for additional latissimus and tricep stretch
    • Repeat on the other side
  6. Lower Chest Stretch:
    • Right arm at 45° above horizontal, palm on a wall or post
    • Extend wrist or fingers backward
    • Turn body, head, and neck away from the stretching side
    • Repeat on the other side
  7. Wrist Extensor and Flexor Stretch:
    • Hold arm straight, elbow locked
    • Push wrist down, use other hand to pull forehand toward the body
    • Keep fingers straight, hold until the burn/stretch goes away
    • For flexors: Arm straight, pull fingers up, push palm forward, pull fingers back toward shoulder
    • Hold for 30 seconds or until the burning in the flexor muscles goes away
  8. Hand Contraction and Expansion:
    • Contract the hand, open the hand for 30 seconds
    • Repeat 5 to 10 times
  9. Forearm Flexor and Extensor Stretch:
    • Prayer position: Stretch the flexor tendons by lowering arms and lifting elbows
    • Inverted position: Back of hands together, lift hands up to stretch the extensor surface
  10. Anterior Shoulder Reach Stretch:
    • Walk fingers up the wall
    • Find a comfortable position without sharp pain
    • Breathe gently, slowly move further into the stretch
