Age-Related Pain Relief Daily Stretching Routine

Super Six Rules to Stretch:

Detailed Stretching Routine

1. Front of Chest Stretch

  • Position: Right arm perpendicular to the ground, hand hooked onto a wall.
  • Action: Extend fingers backward to open up the connective tissue of the forearm and hand.
  • Stance: Feet planted square on the ground.
  • Movement: Rotate body and neck away from the stretching side (e.g., right hand on the wall, turn face and torso to the left).
  • Repeat: Perform on the other side for balance.

2. Side of Spine Stretch

  • Stance: Legs wider than shoulder width for stability.
  • Position: Left hand on the left side of the lateral left leg or hip, right arm straight up in the air.
  • Action: Lean to the left side so the right arm points to the left and remains straight.
  • Repeat: Perform on both sides.

3. Middle Calf Stretch

  • Position: Lean onto a wall or post.
  • Stance: Left leg forward, left foot pointing forward, left knee bent slightly (~30°).
  • Action: Right heel placed back, right knee locked, right foot pointing forward.
  • Movement: Lean forward with hands on the wall or post, keeping the right heel on the ground and knee locked.
  • Repeat: Ensure correct form for an effective stretch.

4. Side of Leg Stretch (Iliotibial Band)

  • Position: Stand facing away from a wall with left hand on the wall.
  • Stance: Left foot planted, right foot crosses in front of the left leg.
  • Action: Right hand on right hip, push hip toward the wall while stabilizing with the wall.
  • Duration: Breathe deeply for at least 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Repeat: Perform on both sides.

5. Upper Back Stretch

  • Position: Stand with left hand on the back of the right one.
  • Action: Push away from the body while keeping the head straight (ears over shoulders).
  • Duration: Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, repeat 5 to 10 times.

6. Tricep Stretch

  • Stance: Feet shoulder-width apart, head up (ears over shoulders).
  • Position: Right arm reaches up, bends to 90° over the back of the head.
  • Action: Left arm grabs the right elbow, pull to the left side.
  • Movement: Lean to the left for additional latissimus and tricep stretching.
  • Repeat: Perform on both sides.

7. Buttock and Lower Back Stretch

  • Position: Lie flat on the ground, head down, left leg flat.
  • Action: Lift the right knee, reach behind the hamstring near the knee, and pull back towards the chest.
  • Note: Avoid squeezing the knee directly, hold behind the hamstring.
  • Repeat: Ensure gentle pull and perform on both sides.

8. Sitting Hamstring Stretch

  • Position: Sit with torso at 90 degrees to legs, legs straight out in front.
  • Action: Hinge at the waist, bend forward, try to reach the toes.
  • Aid: Use a small towel around the balls of the feet for leverage if needed.
  • Movement: Keep the spine straight (neutral) to avoid strain.
  • Variation: Open legs to a V shape for additional groin (adductor) muscle stretch.

9. Pelvic Tilt

  • Position: Lie flat on the back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, arms by the sides.
  • Action: Lift the pelvis to create a straight line from knees to body.
  • Duration: Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, gradually increase to 20-30 seconds as you improve.
  • Note: This is both a stretch and an isometric exercise.

Additional Recommendations

  • Continue your pain-free journey by accessing the full stretching series linked in the description.
  • Consider trying Muscle Care, an all-natural, evidence-based pain relief product.
