MuscleCare is backed by 3 independent studies, including double-blind, randomized-control studies, that show our effectiveness over international, leading pain products.
The first natural, root-cause, ‘sub-topical’, MuscleCare, is as strong as NSAIDs, yet safe enough for use by pregnant and nursing mothers.
MuscleCare is an effective, all-natural alternative to leading national brands. From simple back pain to even arthritis,
MuscleCare helps relieve even the most debilitating conditions
MuscleCare showed significant increases in muscle pressure pain threshold compared BioFreeze and Icy Hot
MuscleCare is at least as effective as topical-NSAID, Voltaren®
The study titled,
compared the effectiveness of five over-the-counter topical pain relievers on myofascial pain syndrome in 120 subjects. The study found that Professional Therapy MuscleCare Roll-on significantly increased pain tolerance compared to a placebo and other products like Icy Hot Extra Strength Cream. This suggests that MuscleCare Roll-on may be a more effective non-prescription option for treating myofascial pain syndrome. (Internet Archive) (NCBI) (NCBI)
A randomized, double-blind study titled, “Muscle Care™ Pain Relief Therapy vs. Voltaren® in the Relief of Trapezius Trigger Point Musculoskeletal Pain: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blinded Controlled Trial” compared the effectiveness of MuscleCare and Voltaren on trapezius trigger point pain in 120 office workers. The study found that MuscleCare Roll-on without MSM significantly increased pain tolerance within its own group, showing it to be as effective as Voltaren in relieving pain. While there were no significant differences found between the two groups, the promising with-in group results for MuscleCare suggest it an effective alternative for managing musculoskeletal pain. (ClinMed Journals).
A systematic review of 1,500 publications titled,
assessed the safety of MuscleCare products for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The study concluded that while some ingredients could potentially cause harm at very high doses, the amounts absorbed through topical use are far lower and considered safe. This comprehensive review of the toxicological, developmental, and reproductive effects supports the safe use of MuscleCare products during pregnancy and lactation. (BioMed Central).
At the surface, MuscleCare provides instant pain relief with powerful menthol and camphor analgesics.
From the skin level to the muscle layer and to the joint, MyoDrive, our proprietary bioinnovation, delivers MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, and boswellia, widely used in dietary supplements to relieve joint pain and improve mobility.
Deep in the muscle at the source of your pain, magnesium, the body’s natural muscle relaxant, is delivered to help ease muscle tension.
The crucial combination of reduced discomfort and ease of muscle tension enables the flow of inflammatory pain chemicals away from the source of pain, reducing pain alarm signals to the brain and allowing the area to repair, naturally.