Dr Gary Glassman is a user and advocate for MuscleCare, seeing its benefits to his own patients. Here
he lays out why MuscleCare is his preferred choice for pre-during, and post-surgery pain management.
“The patient experience is crucial to a dentist, who considers the overall health and well-being of the individual. Each time a patient sits in the dental chair, rotates their neck or face towards the dentist, and opens their mouth for extended periods, several issues may arise.
Many patients report jaw muscle tension or pain, difficulty in opening and closing their mouth after lengthy procedures, and neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and reduced neck mobility. Although they may feel relief from the initial dental issue, new complaints or an exacerbation of pre-existing conditions may emerge.
Musclecare is a biotech innovation created by Dr. Chris Oswald and his team of chemists, designed to address these concerns. They developed a natural, root cause sub-topical solution that, when applied over the affected areas before a dental procedure, can significantly reduce these post-treatment discomforts. The topical products absorb independently without requiring manual massage into the muscles and absorb within 30-120 seconds.
Musclecare’s formula is designed to penetrate the actin and myosin cross bridges, where magnesium promotes release and relaxation. This action allows for fresh, nutrient-rich circulation to flush out inflammation and lessen pain during and after the dental visit.
Watching the Mode of Action animation video will provide further insights into how Musclecare works.
It is essential to use one pea-sized drop of the Musclecare Massage Lotion (green label) over each jaw/masseter area and 1-2 pea-sized drops of the Maximum Strength Ointment for the neck, suboccipital area under the skull, side of the neck, front of the neck, and under the mandible. This application should be done in each operator’s 32 oz. pump version, adding a cost of $0.48 to the visit.
If the patient has issues upon arrival or complains when leaving, you can offer them single-use sample packets to take home, with instructions to use the green label on the face/jaw and the red label on the neck, applying once every 6 hours or as needed. If symptoms do not improve within 24 hours, advise them to consult their chiropractor.”
We treat a great deal of patients with functional issues and MuscleCare has been a great treatment for our patients suffering from muscle soreness, TMD issues, and long appointments with our combined modalities of treatment. We love the combination of an in-office approach and sending the patient home with a great muscle relief product.
Dr Chris Oswlad, founder of MuscleCare, describes when and how to help a dental patient with MuscleCare
Dr Chris Oswlad describes how MuscleCare can help the dentist, with their pain!
MuscleCare is an effective, all-natural alternative to leading national brands. From simple back
pain to even arthritis, MuscleCare helps relieve even the most debilitating conditions
At the surface, MuscleCare provides instant pain relief with powerful menthol and camphor analgesics.
From the skin level to the muscle layer and to the joint, MyoDrive, our proprietary bioinnovation, delivers MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, and boswellia, widely used in dietary supplements to relieve joint pain and improve mobility.
Deep in the muscle at the source of your pain, magnesium, the body’s natural muscle relaxant, is delivered to help ease muscle tension.
The crucial combination of reduced discomfort and ease of muscle tension enables the flow of inflammatory pain chemicals away from the source of pain, reducing pain alarm signals to the brain and enabling you to smile again.
At the surface, MuscleCare provides instant pain relief with powerful menthol and camphor analgesics.
From the skin level to the muscle layer and to the joint, MyoDrive, our proprietary bioinnovation, delivers MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, and boswellia, widely used in dietary supplements to relieve joint pain and improve mobility.
Deep in the muscle at the source of your pain, magnesium, the body’s natural muscle relaxant, is delivered to help ease muscle tension.
The crucial combination of reduced discomfort and ease of muscle tension enables the flow of inflammatory pain chemicals away from the source of pain, reducing pain alarm signals to the brain and enabling you to smile again.
The study titled,
compared the effectiveness of five over-the-counter topical pain relievers on myofascial pain syndrome in 120 subjects. The study found that Professional Therapy MuscleCare Roll-on significantly increased pain tolerance compared to a placebo and other products like Icy Hot Extra Strength Cream. This suggests that MuscleCare Roll-on may be a more effective non-prescription option for treating myofascial pain syndrome. (Internet Archive) (NCBI) (NCBI)
A randomized, double-blind study titled, “Muscle Care™ Pain Relief Therapy vs. Voltaren® in the Relief of Trapezius Trigger Point Musculoskeletal Pain: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blinded Controlled Trial” compared the effectiveness of MuscleCare and Voltaren on trapezius trigger point pain in 120 office workers. The study found that MuscleCare Roll-on without MSM significantly increased pain tolerance within its own group, showing it to be as effective as Voltaren in relieving pain. While there were no significant differences found between the two groups, the promising with-in group results for MuscleCare suggest it an effective alternative for managing musculoskeletal pain. (ClinMed Journals).
A systematic review of 1,500 publications titled,
assessed the safety of MuscleCare products for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The study concluded that while some ingredients could potentially cause harm at very high doses, the amounts absorbed through topical use are far lower and considered safe. This comprehensive review of the toxicological, developmental, and reproductive effects supports the safe use of MuscleCare products during pregnancy and lactation. (BioMed Central).
An independent, randomized, double-blind, clinically-controlled study compared the efficacy of MuscleCare Roll-on with four major national brand pain relievers.
Conducted with 120 participants, the study found that MuscleCare Roll-on achieved greater pain reduction than all the national brands tested by statistically significant margins.
“Professional Therapy MuscleCare (PTMC) has shown to be effective in alleviating the myofascial pain as reported in a randomized, placebo-controlled double-blinded comparative clinical study of five topical analgesics.” – Biomed Journal Published 2012
A randomized, placebo-controlled double-blinded comparative clinical study of five over-the-counter non-pharmacological topical analgesics for myofascial pain: single session findings
By Daniel Avrahami, Amanda Hammond, Ceara Higgins, and Howard Vernon
In a 2017 study by Dr. Jack Goodman, Ph.D., at the University of Toronto performance lab, MuscleCare was found to be as effective as, and slightly more effective than, leading NSAID creams containing diclofenac.
“MuscleCare will soon replace Voltaren as the go-to for physicians’ referrals in acute pain” (2017).
Muscle Care™ Pain Relief Therapy vs. Voltaren® in the Relief of Trapezius Trigger Point Musculoskeletal Pain: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blinded Controlled Trial
By: Jack M Goodman, PhD, Ryan T Sless MSc, MB BCh, BAO, and Brett P Guist BHSc, MS, DC
Motherisk and the University of Toronto conducted a study to test the effectiveness and safety of MuscleCare for pain relief in pregnant women.
“Professional Therapy MuscleCare (PTMC) has shown to be effective in alleviating the myofascial pain as reported in a randomized, placebo-controlled double-blinded comparative clinical study of five topical analgesics.”
“This study provides evidence that, when used as indicated, PTMC is apparently safe for pregnant women and their unborn babies as well as for breastfed infants.”
Toxicology and teratology of the active ingredients of professional therapy MuscleCare products during pregnancy and lactation: a systematic review
By: Abdulaziz MS Alsaad, Colleen Fox, and Gideon Koren