Stretch Routine:
Welcome to your go-to guide for daily stretching exercises, curated by renowned pain relief expert Dr. Chris Oswald.
Whether you’re dealing with chronic muscle pain or simply looking to improve your overall flexibility and well-being, this daily stretch routine is designed to help you achieve lasting natural pain relief and enhanced mobility.
By following the Super Six Rules to Stretch shown above and by incorporating these effective stretching exercises into your daily regimen, you’ll be on your way to a healthier, more active lifestyle.
- Torso Stretch:
- Stand with hips right under shoulders and ears over shoulders.
- Hold your hips and twist your spine and neck to the left.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- For more stretch, turn your pelvis further to one side.
- Repeat on both sides.
- Side of Spine Stretch:
- Stand with legs wider than shoulder-width for stability.
- Place your left hand on the left side of your hip.
- Raise your right arm straight up and lean to the left.
- Your right arm should point to the left and stay straight.
- Repeat on both sides.
- Front of Leg (Quadriceps) Stretch:
- Stand holding a wall with your right hand.
- Pull your left heel up to your buttock and grab the front of the ankle with your left hand.
- Hold the foot and heel as close to your buttock as possible.
- Repeat on both sides.
- Hip Flexor Stretch:
- Roll directly from the quadriceps stretch.
- Place your right hand on a chair for support.
- Pull your left leg back so the left thigh is parallel to the ground.
- Hinge at your waist and move forward, creating a “T” shape with your body.
- Repeat on both sides.
- Middle Calves Stretch:
- Lean onto a wall or a post with your left leg forward.
- Keep your left knee slightly bent and the right heel placed back behind your body.
- Keep the right heel on the ground and hands on the wall.
- Lock your right knee out and keep the right foot pointing forward.
- Repeat on both sides.
- Side of Leg (IT Band and Tensor Fascia Lata) Stretch:
- Stand facing away from a wall with your left hand on the wall.
- Keep your left foot planted and cross your right foot in front of the left leg.
- Place your right hand on your right hip and push the hip toward the wall.
- Breathe deeply for at least 30 to 60 seconds.
- Repeat on both sides.
- Hip and Lower Back Stretch:
- Stand holding a chair, lift the right knee to 90 degrees so the thigh is parallel to the ground.
- Grab the right knee with your left hand and pull it to the side.
- Keep your upper body straight, ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips.
- Repeat on both sides. This can also be done lying down if balance is an issue.
These stretches are designed to relieve hip bursitis pain and should be done with care, following the super six rules to maximize effectiveness and safety.