Patellofemoral Disorder Pain Relief Stretch Routine

Super Six Rules to Stretch:

Stretch Routine:

    1. Quadriceps Stretch
  • Instructions:
    • Stand holding a wall with your right hand.
    • Pull your left heel up to your buttock and grab the front of your left ankle with your left hand.
    • Try to hold your foot and heel as close to your left buttock as possible.
    • Follow the super six rules of stretching.
  • Notes:
    • It may be tight, and you might not be able to get your heel all the way to your buttock.
    • Do both sides.
  1. Hip Flexor Stretch
  • Instructions:
    • Put your right hand on a chair for support.
    • Pull your left leg back so the left thigh is closer to parallel to the ground.
    • Hinge at your waist and move forward, aiming to create a “T” shape with your body.
    • Your right leg remains on the ground, forming the bottom of the “T,” and your torso and left thigh form the top.
  • Notes:
    • This stretch is for the hip flexors.
  1. Hamstring Stretch
  • Instructions:
    • Place your right foot up on a chair with the heel resting on it.
    • Keep the leg perfectly straight and do not bend it.
    • Hinge at the waist and lean your body forward, keeping the shoulders and neck straight.
    • Stretch the connective tissue in the back of the knee.
  • Notes:
    • This stretch is effective for those with balance issues, dizziness, or vertigo problems.
  1. Iliotibial Band (IT Band) and Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) Stretch
  • Instructions:
    • Stand facing away from a wall with your left hand on the wall for support.
    • Keep your left foot planted on the ground.
    • Cross your right foot in front of your left leg.
    • Place your right hand on your right hip and push the hip toward the wall.
  • Notes:
    • This stretch may take longer due to the fibrous nature of the tissue.
    • Breathe deeply for at least 30 to 60 seconds.
    • Do both sides.
  1. Adductor and Hamstring Stretch
  • Instructions:
    • Sit with your torso at 90° to your legs, both legs straight out in front of you in a V-shape.
    • Lean your palms onto the floor and glide forward between the legs, hinging at the waist.
    • Do not round the back.
  • Notes:
    • This stretch targets the inside groin (adductor muscles) and hamstrings.
  1. Standing Glute Stretch
  • Instructions:
    • Stand holding a chair for support.
    • Lift your right knee to 90°, so the thigh is parallel to the ground.
    • Grab your right knee with your left hand and pull it to the side, rotating the hip.
    • Keep your upper body straight and avoid twisting.
  • Notes:
    • Can also be performed lying down for those with balance issues.
  1. Standing Shin Stretch
  • Instructions:
    • Stand holding a wall with a chair or couch behind you.
    • Keep one leg straight for balance.
    • Bend the other knee to 90° and place the top of the foot on the couch or chair.
    • Bend the supporting leg slightly to increase the stretch on the shin muscles.
  • Notes:
    • This stretch prepares the muscles for walking, running, and other sports.
  1. Sitting Groin Stretch
  • Instructions:
    • Sit with the bottoms of your feet together, letting the knees fall out to the sides.
    • Sit up straight and apply gentle pressure to the inside of the knees.
  • Notes:
    • Stretch gently for 1 to 2 minutes to target the adductor muscles.
